'_JSHOP_EAN' - wrong russian translation (in 4.18.3 update) leads to serious consequences when importing price lists.

16.05.2019 10:52
User kupaladen
Name: Denis Fedorov
Posts: 64
'_JSHOP_EAN' - wrong russian translation (in 4.18.3 update) leads to serious consequences when importing price lists.

'_JSHOP_EAN' - wrong russian translation (in 4.18.3 update) leads to serious consequences when importing price lists.

In the English localization everything is correct:

'_JSHOP_EAN' - wrong russian translation (in 4.18.3 update) leads to serious consequences when importing price lists.

Because of this innovation (or error) in translation, the work of filters and sync extensions is crumbling:

'_JSHOP_EAN' - wrong russian translation (in 4.18.3 update) leads to serious consequences when importing price lists.
'_JSHOP_EAN' - wrong russian translation (in 4.18.3 update) leads to serious consequences when importing price lists.

Please, tell me, is this a translation error, or a new translation, that will remain forever?
(in last case i need to make changes of the third-party extensions and warehouse program...)

Best Wishes!

Joomla: 3.9.6
JoomShopping: 4.18.3

Last change: 16.05.2019 12:51
16.05.2019 16:21
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26087
Aw: '_JSHOP_EAN' - wrong russian translation (in 4.18.3 update) leads to serious consequences when importing price lists.

No bugs.
Change translate for your.

Screenshot 2 - attribute. (no problem in transtation)

Last change: 16.05.2019 16:23
16.05.2019 22:01
User kupaladen
Name: Denis Fedorov
Posts: 64
Aw: '_JSHOP_EAN' - wrong russian translation (in 4.18.3 update) leads to serious consequences when importing price lists.

I'm afraid You didn't understand me:
For many years, the constant '_JSHOP_EAN' was translated into Russian as a 'Code'.
And this 'title' was used by various third-party programs (for example, for synchronization.)
But in the last update you changed its translation to 'Product Code', and some third-party programs have stopped working...

Now 2 different parameters have the same Russian translations and different English translations:
_JSHOP_EAN = Product code (Код товара)
_JSHOP_EAN_PRODUCT = Product code (Код товара)

_JSHOP_EAN_PRODUCT = Product code

Please, if possible, return the russian translation of _JSHOP_EAN back, like it translated into English, or like it was translated in 4.18.2

Best Wishes.

16.05.2019 22:32
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26087
Aw: '_JSHOP_EAN' - wrong russian translation (in 4.18.3 update) leads to serious consequences when importing price lists.

Will be in 4.18.4
define('_JSHOP_EAN', 'Код');


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