Сumulative discount for Client

10.02.2024 13:03
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: john
Posts: 410
Сumulative discount for Client


I looking at Сumulative discount for Client
Can I use the Сumulative discount for Client for making diffrence roulls for diffrence coustomer?

Discounts for clients no. 01 (automatically) after registration
After purchase in total amount of 100$
Сlient gets a discount = 2% (for next purchase)
(After purchase in total amount of 1000$)
Сlient gets a discount = 3% (for next purchase)

Discounts for clients no. 100 (automatically) after registration
After purchase in total amount of 100$
Сlient gets a discount = 20% (for next purchase)
(After purchase in total amount of 1000$)
Сlient gets a discount = 30% (for next purchase)

If that the case I will like to buy the extension.

Kind regards

JoomShopping: 5.x
10.02.2024 21:17
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26030
Aw: Сumulative discount for Client

For all client same percentage.


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