Create a new static text and embed it in the php file

28.05.2021 12:29
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Tatjana
Posts: 10
Create a new static text and embed it in the php file

I'm creating a new static text with the alias "squirrel".
Then I open a template file and what do I write with php?
<div class = "squirrel"><?php print $this->squirrel; ?></div>?
Of course it doesn't work. How I make it right?

Thank you!

$statictext = JSFactory::getTable("statictext","jshop");
$row = $statictext->loadData(squirrel);
print $row->text;

is it aktuell?

Last change: 28.05.2021 14:37
28.05.2021 19:49
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26030
Aw: Create a new static text and embed it in the php file

$statictext = JSFactory::getTable("statictext","jshop");
$row = $statictext->loadData('squirrel');
print $row->text;


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