Set up the time for items in the cart

13.05.2024 13:18
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Hr. Chen
Posts: 1
Set up the time for items in the cart

Hi there, is it possible to set up the time for the items to be saved in the cart?
As am example, we want to let the buyers to have their items in the cart for 24 hours,
the cart will be emptied after the 24 hours has expired.

Thanks so much for your help!

Joomla: 4.4.2
JoomShopping: 5.3.2
PHP: 8.2
MySQL: 5.7
13.05.2024 13:55
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26424
Aw: Set up the time for items in the cart

Joomla / Global Configuration
Session Lifetime (minutes)


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