Using "localise" to translate on js3.2.6-j1.7

02.09.2011 16:40
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: gassganso
Posts: 2
Using "localise" to translate on js3.2.6-j1.7

Hi all,

I use "localise" add-on to translate my joomla 1.7 site. I think that it's a very nice tool to refine joomla translations as I have not to download/upload files continuously.

But (there is always a "but") it can not work with JoomShopping language files because JoomShopping does not use "_" to separate the words when the language key is formed by more that one word (!).

It's not a problem on Joomla 1.5 because "localise" just search the equal (=) symbol to determinate the key and the string.

I know that what I'm going to say is a... I don't know to say it in English... but think about to use "_" symbol on language keys for next JoomShopping versions. It seems to be a standard for Joomla.

Please read the above considering that I'm a noob that does not speak good English.

Thank you very much for your time and for a very nice e-shop.


Joomla: 1.7
JoomShopping: 3.2.6
Website Url:

Last change: 02.09.2011 16:43
02.09.2011 21:07
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Aw: Using "localise" to translate on js3.2.6-j1.7

folder language.


02.09.2011 22:27
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: gassganso
Posts: 2
Aw: Using "localise" to translate on js3.2.6-j1.7

Thank you very much for your answer and your help.
Actually, my post was more an advise than a problem.

04.09.2011 22:22
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: raziel70
Posts: 36
Aw: Using "localise" to translate on js3.2.6-j1.7

If you want to translate the main menu links too, then copy and translate the english file, locate in the administrator/language/en-EN.com_jshopping.sys place.

To translate the frontend language file, you can find it in the components/com_jshopping/lang/en-EN.php place.


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