Order Gutschrift doesnt work - need individuall text for Cancelled Status

15.09.2015 12:45
Adrian Kohi
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Adrian
Posts: 2
Order Gutschrift doesnt work - need individuall text for Cancelled Status

Hey everybody,

i just installed your "Order Gutschrift" Addon, sadly nothing happens when i click on that symbol. Somewhere you stated that the order status has to be set on "cancelled" and then he will print a Gutschrift.
But I deleted that "Cancelled" Status a long time ago. I tried to deinstal and reinstal your "Individual text" addon to get the Order Status "Cancelled" back, sadly didnt work either. I think that might be one reason why the "order Gutschrift" doesnt work or nothing happens.

Can anyone give me the individuall text for a "cancelled" order?

Best Regards,
Adrian Kohi

15.09.2015 16:45
(Support Team)
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Aw: Order Gutschrift doesnt work - need individuall text for Cancelled Status

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