Storage manager empty

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10.06.2024 11:45
User Dingens
Name: Rolf Wagels
Posts: 766
Storage manager empty

I just bought the storage manager, installed, entered the key.
But when I start it, it is empty, I was expecting it would be filled with my products and their current quantity? Do I have to fill it manually?

10.06.2024 20:49
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26438
Aw: Storage manager empty

History save only after install.

11.06.2024 08:18
User Dingens
Name: Rolf Wagels
Posts: 766
Aw: Storage manager empty

Okay, I can see some orders in it now.
Is there a tutorial or video about the storage manager? I don't understand the first page "Storage manager". What does it tell us? What does "Unique" mean? Why is the product not displayed? I can see that an amount is added, but not what product was added?

11.06.2024 09:40
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26438
Aw: Storage manager empty

1. tab => orders
2. tab => products

click to details

11.06.2024 14:03
User Dingens
Name: Rolf Wagels
Posts: 766
Aw: Storage manager empty

Yes, but can I see my stock in a glance? As in in
product 1 14 items in stock
product 2 60 items in stock
product 3 10 items in stock

and so on?
Maybe it is not made for this and I misunderstood the idea of the extension?

Also, why are there two entries when there was one sale (Green area). I sold one CoreLine bullet in one order, and a SupportHED in another order.
Why do they have the same order number and why is it +1 and -1?

Aw: Storage manager empty

the date is also wrong, it has the date of the of the SupportHED order. The right order for the CoreLine bullet is order number 202400344 (blue area)

And finally:
How can I delete entries that I did wrong? (Red area)

Aw: Storage manager empty


Last change: 11.06.2024 14:14
12.06.2024 10:12
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26438
Aw: Storage manager empty

Possible conflict with another addon.
We'll do the test later and answer.

12.06.2024 11:55
User Dingens
Name: Rolf Wagels
Posts: 766
Aw: Storage manager empty

Thank you.
If it is of any help, I also get a lot of emails from "products in stock" add-on. Not only after a sale, but also every time I change the status of the order. Normal status is paid, when I change to "Waiting" or "Sent" I always get an email. I feel this is somehow related, since the additional entries came after I changed the status of the order to sent.

20.06.2024 20:36
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26438
Aw: Storage manager empty

New version
Product storage manager 3.2.2

23.06.2024 11:06
User Dingens
Name: Rolf Wagels
Posts: 766
Aw: Storage manager empty

Thanks, looking better now.
Now, how to use it?
Is the only way to add a product to use the article number? Would EAN be an option?
To see the amount of products in stock here:
Can I filter by product name or only by article number? If there are a lot of articles, the dropdown list will be quite long, a field to put the number in (better yet the product name) would be very helpful.
I think of using a barcode scanner to add and quickly search for the EAN number if possible, otherwise it would be the product name or the article number.
So I would add the amount of the product once they arrive here and whenever there is a sale through the shop the new amount of products in stock can be seen at the product tab, right?

Why does it say five here:

Aw: Storage manager empty

but there are -3 in the product?
Aw: Storage manager empty

Maybe I can use it to keep track of how many products are in the store and I am missing something?

Last change: 23.06.2024 11:06
23.06.2024 12:30
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26438
Aw: Storage manager empty

Product code must be unique

code: 001
2 product
StartHED Kinderbodhran
CoreLine Slim

23.06.2024 12:45
User Dingens
Name: Rolf Wagels
Posts: 766
Aw: Storage manager empty

Yes, thanks

How about my other questions!

23.06.2024 13:08
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26438
Aw: Storage manager empty

What exactly is not clear.

23.06.2024 15:56
User Dingens
Name: Rolf Wagels
Posts: 766
Aw: Storage manager empty

Now, how to use it?
Is the only way to add a product to use the article number? Would EAN be an option?

Can the EAN field be used or does only the product code work? Or even the name of the product? Otherwise I need either check the product ID every time I want to add a product to the storage or I could scan the EAN.

To see the amount of products in stock here:
Can I filter by product name or only by article number? If there are a lot of articles, the dropdown list will be quite long, a field to put the number in (better yet the product name) would be very helpful.

I need to see the amount of products in the storage quickly. Maybe this is not what this extension is made for? If I can only use a very long dropdown field to search for a certain product?

I think of using a barcode scanner to add and quickly search for the EAN number if possible, otherwise it would be the product name or the article number.
So I would add the amount of the product once they arrive here and whenever there is a sale through the shop the new amount of products in stock can be seen at the product tab, right?

Just trying to figure out what the best way is to search or add a product quickly. Product ID itself is something that is not in my head and if I want to check how many items are in stock, a product search field might be good?
I am not sure if I end up using it, I was thinking it would be a handy small merchandise management, but maybe I was wrong.

Last change: 23.06.2024 15:56
23.06.2024 17:30
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26438
Aw: Storage manager empty

Now, how to use it?
Is the only way to add a product to use the article number? Would EAN be an option?

Can the EAN field be used or does only the product code work? Or even the name of the product? Otherwise I need either check the product ID every time I want to add a product to the storage or I could scan the EAN.

works only for article number

To see the amount of products in stock here:
Can I filter by product name or only by article number? If there are a lot of articles, the dropdown list will be quite long, a field to put the number in (better yet the product name) would be very helpful.

I need to see the amount of products in the storage quickly. Maybe this is not what this extension is made for? If I can only use a very long dropdown field to search for a certain product?

works only for article number

I think of using a barcode scanner to add and quickly search for the EAN number if possible, otherwise it would be the product name or the article number.
So I would add the amount of the product once they arrive here and whenever there is a sale through the shop the new amount of products in stock can be seen at the product tab, right?

Just trying to figure out what the best way is to search or add a product quickly. Product ID itself is something that is not in my head and if I want to check how many items are in stock, a product search field might be good?
I am not sure if I end up using it, I was thinking it would be a handy small merchandise management, but maybe I was wrong.

Use product code as EAN (save ean)

EAN => new filed in JoomShoppping 5.x
Previously the product code was used as EAN

23.06.2024 18:09
User Dingens
Name: Rolf Wagels
Posts: 766
Aw: Storage manager empty

So I could use the EAN for the product code, I thought about that.
But then, when I want to check the amount in storage, I need to find the right EAN, then go to the dropdown field, scroll the list of available EANs, find the EAN and then I get the right amount in stock. If I could enter the name or the EAN in a search field, it would only mean:
Type the first few letter of the product, hit enter, done. Or scan an EAN code while in the search filed, hit enter, done.
Name of the product seems easier to me, or scanning would be the second best option.
Or is there an other easy way to see how the amount of articles in the store in Joomshopping? Do it manually at the product and then check the product list is the only other option I am aware of, but this is not very comfortable.
Am I missing something?

25.06.2024 16:53
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26438
Aw: Storage manager empty

New version
Product storage manager 3.3.0

25.06.2024 18:14
User Dingens
Name: Rolf Wagels
Posts: 766
Aw: Storage manager empty

Wow, great support, thanks a lot!

25.06.2024 18:54
User Dingens
Name: Rolf Wagels
Posts: 766
Aw: Storage manager empty

So I could use Universal export to export name, ID, EAN etc, fix all the problems and then use Universal import to get it all back into my system, right?
Existing data is only replaced in the fields that are in the csv, right?

Last change: 25.06.2024 20:05
25.06.2024 22:26
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26438
Aw: Storage manager empty


26.06.2024 07:56
User Dingens
Name: Rolf Wagels
Posts: 766
Aw: Storage manager empty

Thank you for your great support!

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